Ainsley Women's Fashion High Power Reading Glasses +4.00 to +6.00
- SKU:
- Ainleyhp
Power: 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00
Women's Fashion High Power Reader in the hard to find high powers. Made in Taiwan.
Please select power carefully:
stronger power does not make you see clearer if you do not need the higher power. If you are using a certain power and would like a little stronger, it is recommended you only go up a maximum of .50 power than what you are currently using.
If you receive free shipping and you return the glasses,there will be a $5.95 restocking fee
Optical quality frame and lenses
Aspheric lenses to prevent distortion
Spring hinge to maximize comfort
Slip in case included
Frame Width: 5 1/4"
Lens Width: 2"
Lens Height: 1"
Temple Length: 6"
Care instructions:
Clean lenses with eyeglass cleaner and a clean microfiber cloth. Store in case when not in use.